Hi I'm a diver that enjoys playing video games when I'm not writing about marine life, diving or maritime history, but if I'm not doing that I'm out with my mates. How about you?

Jack Longman @greatwh1teshark

Age 32, Male


School of Life

Diving the Med

Joined on 4/10/09

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greatwh1teshark's News

Posted by greatwh1teshark - January 16th, 2013

The Boy in the Basket

Standing on the beach, still soaked and yet unaffected by the cold, Mako allowed his eyes to scan the shore, searching for the child his trusted friend spoke of.
"Izal!" Mako calls out into the night.
The feathered animal's reply was short and completely inaudible for the moment the avian let loose its cry, thunder had roared, letting out a deafening boom.
"Izal!" Mako calls out again, this time even louder.
Once again Izal made his cry, but unlike the last time , Mako was able to hear him, so he held out his left arm, keeping it nice and steady before pursing his lips together once more and whistled.
Flying 30 metres above Mako, Izal heard the whistle and dipped it's head before plummeting to the beach below. Even in the dark, Izal had perfect vision, enabling him to see everything, especially Mako. Izal could see the extended arm and understood its intention, Mako required the raven to land on his arm, so exerting caution, the raven flew gracefully and landed ever so carefully on Mako's arm. In fact he was so careful in his landing that not even one of his talons had pierced Mako's skin.
"You called for me Master?" Once again, Izal's eyes are green as he speaks telepathically.
"Yes I did. You spoke of a boy." As he talks, Mako stares into the eyes of the animal sitting comfortably on his arm.
"That I did."
"Take me to him!" Mako commands.
Following his master's command, Izal took flight once more, but with the same care he used only moments ago, being ever so careful as to not part flesh from bone as he left Mako's arm.
Now flapping his wings and heading in a north easterly direction, Izal was not flying at his full speed, but was flying quick enough to move at a reasonable pace , but slow enough for Mako to still see him in the dark and be able to follow.
Mako chased after Izal, the sand crunched beneath his feet as he ran across the sandy part of the beach before he leaped up onto the nearest boulder. Due to all the rainfall, the surface of the rock was very slippery, but Mako did not slip, nor did he slide. Instead he maintained perfect footing before he leaped from his current rock and landed on another.
Mako continued to jump from rock to rock, each time his feet would make contact with the hard jagged surface, along with the sound of squelching, but he continued on, leaping from boulder to boulder as he voyaged onwards, maintaining his pursuit of following his friend.
"Getting slower Master?" The mocking words had come from Izal, he's thoughts telepathically drifting from his mind and into Mako's.
"Who are you calling slow?" Mako replies before he urges himself on, willing his body to move much faster, which it did.
Mako was really running now, he was moving twice as fast and leaping twice as far. This was another skill of a True Watcher, the ability to summon great strength, speed and stamina when a Watcher needed it most, in the middle of a battle when they are at their weakest, or for when they were very tired and Mako was feeling exceptionally tired, very tired and yet, very alive.
As he ran and leaped repeatedly, his breathing was slow and controlled, in through his nose and out through his mouth, but inside his chest that was a different story. His heart was beating faster than Mako was moving, it was pulsating at a rate of 8 beats per second, so fast and so hard that Mako felt like it was going to blow up, but Mako knew better.
"Do you see the boy yet?" Mako whispers, he knew full well that no matter how loud or how silent he spoke then, he knew that Izal would hear him regardless because at that moment, Mako could feel Izal's presence in his mind.
No words this time, just a sound, but for Mako one sound was more than enough. The gentle call was worth 100 words uttered in a single second. Mako understood its message loud and clear, Izal was with the boy at that very moment.
As he leaped from one last rock, he landed back on the stony beach, 10 metres in front of him he could just make out Izal's feathery body as it stood besides a basket that was made out of a material that was not Nogmal wood, but was actually made out of wicker.
Mako walked slowly but surely over towards his friend and the basket made of a foreign material. Everything wooden in Mares was made out the Nogmal wood and yet, even from a distance Mako could tell that the basket was made out of a material that was not found or used in Mares and that could mean only one thing, the basket was from a whole other Realm. The basket and its occupant had travelled a long way to arrive at Iris.
As Mako walked up to the basket, now much closer he could easily see inside the wicker object. Sleeping blissfully, snuggled up in a wool blanket, lay a peaceful baby, he wasn't chubby like most babies, but was in actual fact quite slim due to not eating in quite some time. His skin was pale and due to his sleeping state, his eyelids were closed so Mako was unable to determine the boy's eye colour, but he could see bright blonde ringlets of hair.
Turning to his feathered friend, Mako had something to say and Izal knew he wished to talk.
"What is is?" Izal asks.
"The basket, it's made from..." Mako has no time to finish his question as Izal chooses to interrupt him.
"Wicker." Izal answers.
"He's travelled a long way to get here." Mako comments.
"Look in the basket." Izal instructs.
Mako does as he is commanded and takes a closer look in the basket, inside it, hidden almost completely is a thin, long glass bottle, similar in shape to a bottle of wine. Inside the bottle was a single piece of parchment.
Very carefully, Mako reaches in and pulls out the glass made bottle and holds it in his hands before he removes the cork with a loud pop.
Sticking a single finger into the opening of the glass bottle, he turns the container round and is successful in getting the piece of parchment out.
"What is it?" Izal asks as he watches Mako unroll the document and study it.
"A letter."
"What does it say?"
"Just a second." Mako gazes intently at the document, the writing on it wasn't written in the Mari language, the recognised language of the Mares Realm. Instead it was written in Algean, a language that Mako had not read or heard spoken in quite a while. He needed a moment to remember his knowledge of this other language before he could translate it.
With knowledge of old coming back to him, Mako was able to translate the letter with ease and read it out loud so Izal could hear.

"To Whoever finds me,
My name is Zach, I was born in the Month of Easter, nearly two full moons ago and I have travelled far and wide. I am a child of the Algean Realm, I hail from the village of Mantos on Mantos Island.
As is the custom, I am the first born child in my family and so, as of that, my parents obeyed the code in the hopes that I'll reach the lands of the Guarded ones and learn their ways."

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 28th, 2012

The Flight of Iris

As he watched his friend go, Mako's grip tightened on his steel forged Long sword and let loose an upwards diagonal strike, starting from his hip and ending with hands raised higher than his head before bringing it back down and depositing it into his two coloured sheath, resting on his left hip, connected to his black leather belt.
A flash of lightning lights up the sky, briefly illuminating Mako, who closes his eyes for a second. When he opens them, his almond coloured eyes burn with life before without warning, Mako starts to run.
Mako's steps are met with the sounds of the rocks beneath his feet, squishing & crunching. Nor the rain or the terrain would deter Mako from what he must do, so he maintained his page and continued running towards the easterly ledge. Upon reaching it, Mako leaped, sailing through the air, flying forwards 3 metres before he started to fall, landing on the sloping descent of the volcano, only seconds after.
Like every other time when Mako had made the leap and landed, he landed with both feet on the ground, one in front of the other and slid down the "Mountain's Ramp."
Being as high as it is, going down the ramp was the quickest way down the volcano, dangerous but quick.
Halfway down the slope, Mako couldn't help but let his mind drift off, losing it to the past as he thought about the number of lives the Island had claimed. Many a Guardian had lost their lives during training, fighting a war that soaked the Isle of Iris in blood, as the Watchers engaged ferocious beasts in battle. The Isle of Iris had seen a lot of action, many a bloodshed, but it had seen a lot of good too. Many a warrior had aspired to greatness, lived joyful lives and on some occurrences, they had even found love.
Master Mako had to regain his focus and fast, he was fast approaching the end, the base of the volcano. It was now time for him to act fast, any second now and he'll be at the base, he'll need to turn fast and hit the man made ramp. At his current speed he'll run straight into the Nogmal tress, a rare tree that only exists in the Mares Realm.
It is a fast growing tree, growing at a rate of 10 feet a year, but luckily it is a very reliable source of wood. Many a sword and shield had been made from Nogmal trees, as well as handles for farming implements, for houses, bridges and many other things. The wood from the tree is very strong, sturdy and never dampens in the rain or gets wet and therefore it never rotted. Nogmal wood literally lasted forever, especially when it was quite fire resistant, which is one of its more negative qualities.
In its natural form, Nogmal trees can grow to a full height of 238 feet, reaching its full height within 24 years. It grows to a width of 2 metres round in diameter and is a natural dark brown in colour. They grow out half as much as they grow up, their branches shooting out wherever they wanted to go. The tree is armed with many spiky thorns, ready to puncture any fool that would run into it, stabbing its prey to death, which is exactly the fate Mako had in store for himself if he didn't make the ramp.
Mako's reaction time was as perfect as it ever has been, he deviated to the ramp with no problems and used his current acceleration to charge up the wooden built ramp, made from Nogmal wood and leaped into the darkened sky. Unlike his earlier leap, this time he really took flight as all the extra momentum from his slide down the volcano aided him, taking him to world above the trees.
This was one of the things that made up a True Watcher, it doesn't matter what you are, a human, a wood elf, an ogre, a mermaid or any other being that had took on the trials of the Watchers and participated in the training. All of that and anything you have achieved or could achieve, it is all worthless. You could be a Watcher that has saved the world a countless number of times and it still would be insignificant if you couldn't abide by one of the Watcher's most important rule:

"To be all You can Be! To Uphold all that is Good, a Watcher must learn to be great."

There are many Good Watchers, but not many Great Watchers, they two are two different kinds of warriors. A Good Watcher is a Warrior with limitations, a mortal, but a Great Watcher was a True Guardian, a warrior who believes anything & everything is possible, therefore they can do anything & everything. One thing a Great Watcher is not however, is mortal. Unlike Good Watchers, Great Watchers are no mere mortals, for they are much more. They are the living embodiment of all that is good and a symbol of Hope, out of the two kinds of Watchers, Master Mako is the rarer kind, a True Guardian, a Great Watcher.
Still flying through the black sky, Mako began to drop, falling to the world once more. Only he did not fall and go splat on the ground, instead he had landed on a branch near the top of a Nogmal tree closest to him and leaped to another branch on a smaller tree before repeating the process, leaping from a bigger tree to a smaller one. Upon each one of his landings, the branches would shake and shiver, but never break, they remained intact as the bright green, rounded 3 cloved leaves drifted off, lazily floating to the surface below.
Mako continued to leap from tree to tree for the next 30 seconds, only to have to stop when he reached the end of the tree line, but he did not stop for long, instead he had only paused for a second before he hurled himself forwards, jumping from the last branch on the last tree and into the air for the last time.
From this point onwards, the only thing below Mako is Dead Man's Beach, the lowest point on the whole Island and out of all the beaches in the Mares Realm, Dead Man's Beach was also the worst. Only a small portion of it was sandy, the rest was littered with a vast amount of stones, millions of them making up most of the beach. Along with the many stones are large, sharp boulders ready to impale any fool who was foolish enough to fall from the top of the cliff. However Mako was no fool, as he fell, falling downwards on a forthcoming collision with a 3 by 5 metre boulder that would split Mako in half upon landing, but Mako would not land.
As he fell, he pursed his lips and blew, releasing a shrill drawn out whistle that carried in the open night sky, through the rain and continued to carry until it reached its intended target, Mako's winged friend who was high up amongst the clouds. The moment it heard it's Master's summons, it dipped its head and commenced his dive.
Flying faster than a speeding bullet, Izal hurried to the beach where it could witness his trusted friend, falling to a beach where it could witness his trusted friend, falling to his potential death that would never come, for the faithful Rven swooped ever so close to the Guardian sensei, so that the Sensei Mako was able to reach out with a steady hand and clutched a single leg. The moment of contact, Mako's grip tightened dramatically on the avian's leg.
Even though it was one hand holding onto the one leg, Mako's strength secured him and prevented him from falling as his avian ally flew him to safety, not even struggling under the duress of the weighty load it now bore.
Izal flew Mako over towards the sandy area of the beach before Mako released his grip on his companion's leg and fell the 15 foot fall. He landed with a soft thud, landing on two solid feet, leaving him standing instead of being crouched down to absorb the impact.
The Journey from the house was at an end, out of all those who had undertook the journey known as the Flight of Iris, Mako was 1 out of 8 who had ever tried it and survived. It was also a journey in which had taken the lives of over 30 potential Watchers. Some where young students eager to prove themselves, where as others were more trained and all too full of themselves, believing themselves to be superior and no longer in need of any further skill development. Many had come and gone, but now Mako was the only one left, the last surviving Watcher to accomplish the Flight of Iris, the rest have all perished, a few from old age and the rest, they died with honour as they all met their end in battle.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 28th, 2012

Message from the Sky

Dark clouds covered the sky as droplets of water fell hard and fast on the land below. The rain hit all on the land, soaking the six inch long blades of grass, normally a bright vibrant green in colour, but due to the dousing of water from above, the grass was dark as opposed to its usual bright colour. The grass covered over 50% percent of the Island's landmass, 2% percent was covered by sand that made up part of the beach and the beach itself made up 20% percent of the island, a huge mass of it concentrated to the eastern side of the Island. As for the rest of the Island, it's surface was laden with rocks, stones and boulders.
The Island itself is 1.5 miles long from it's western most point to its eastern point and is .8 miles wide from north to south. The Island used to be much larger and was originally shaped much like a human eye, but after decades of erosion and landslides, the Island's shape had changed dramatically and diminished in size, now it is shaped like a rectangle.
Most of the Island sits 100 metres above the surface of the sea, it's lowest point was the beach, which is connected to the rest of the Island by a rocky slope that starts at the beach and then slithers like a snake up the cliff-face to the rest of the Island.
The highest point on the whole Island that is none other than the Island of Iris, is the Watcher's Summit, an inactive & dormant volcano that sits squarely in the middle of the Island and at the very top, in the very centre of the crusted over volcano, is a wooden house, standing two stories high. The house was built centuries ago and was made out of wood that came from the trees grown on the Island.
On this darkened night, as the rain continued and the weather seemed to be getting worse, a lone figure stood out in the rain, wielding a sword as he slashed out at wooden targets that he had built. As he stood on top of the World, or at the very least, on top of the Island, 1900 metres above the Mares Sea, he was soaked, his violet coloured tunic & white tights clung tightly to his body. The man stood at a height of 5'9 and had greying black hair and a jet black goatee sitting on his chin, which is connected to his black bushy moustache.
The aged swordsman of Iris was the sole human inhabitant on the Island and it was not because he chose to live like this, but because Tradition & Protocol dictates a life of solitude, unless of course a child of worthy has made their way to the Island.
Taking another swing, the swordsman strikes his wooden man-shaped target again. The lone man if Iris was the Chosen Guardian of the Island and one of the last few remaining Watchers in modern times. For a long time he has served as the Iris Watchman, the most skilled Watchman in all of the Mares Realm. His duty was to discover and educate all future Guardians, teach them the Watcher's Code and train them into highly skilled warriors.
Swinging his weapon again, the Guardian of Iris was growing weary, not because he was feeling tired from four hours of arduous training, but because his age was soon catching up with him. He may have only looked like he was in his late forties, but in reality he was much older.
As much as he wished to stop, call it a night and go to sleep, the Guardian wouldn't allow himself to, instead he willed himself on as he continued to swing. He was cold, tired and hungry, but still he fought on, battling through his rumbling stomach, craving for anything to eat and his aching muscles, crying out for a break. This was the way of the Guardians, the Watcher's, even at their weakest or most tired state, they were required to give their best, always 100% percent and never 99% percent or anything less
This Guardian, a man who had taught so many, so used to being around people, having company, a social man, had spent the last 23 years in isolation, living alone without another person to talk to. His only friend during that time was a loyal and dutiful Raven, but on this rainy night, things are about to change.
Even with the sound of rain hitting the land and a sword striking wood repeatedly, the bearded warrior could still hear a single caw as a bird, off in the distance, made a sound. The skilled sword wielder paused in mid-swing and turned to his right, facing east.
"Izal! Is that You?" The Warrior had spoke in a strong powerful baritone voice. Deeply masculine and authoritative and yet, it was so full of wisdom from his years of being a Watcher.
"Izal?" He repeats, calling out to his feathered companion.
The man turns again, this time facing north. This time he had definitely heard a bird calling out, he was positive his mind was not playing tricks on him.
"Izal, I can hear you my friend, where are you?" He calls out into the night, not hoping but knowing his winged friend could hear him.
Again a bird had called out, but this time it was a lot closer for the animal had just landed beside it's Master.
"Izal! I'm so pleased to see you!" The swordsman exclaims, as he turns to face the black feathered, three foot high Raven and reaches out with his free hand to stroke his pet.
Izal the Raven enjoyed this display of affection from he's Master, it had been two years since they last saw each other.
The two of them had parted ways at the end of a special ceremony, just as the Code dictated. Izal's return could only mean one thing and one thing only.
"Izal, am I dreaming?"
The Raven looks into the eyes of the Guardian before its eyes turn green, shining like emeralds as it begins to speak telepathically.
"No Master Mako, you are not dreaming!"
Master Mako is stunned.
"Your return can only mean one thing!" Mako states.
"Yes Master, there is a boy on Dead Man's Beach."
Without another telepathic word said, the winged creature took flight, flying to the silvery moon, heading east.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 28th, 2012

The Forgotten Storm

Centuries ago, back in the era of the Medieval ages, there existed civilizations unknown to the world of today. Wars broke out, sickness and diseases swept across the lands and many a famine had occurred. Most of the civilizations were wiped out completely, Erased & Forgotten for all of Eternity.
In the year of 1327, a tremendous disastrous happening took place, something far worse than never ending battles, illnesses and plagues, for this is the year of the Great Storm. Legends tell of a tale where the Great Storm, the storm that started from the ends of the Earth and spread out, casting its great shadows over the lands it engulfed.
Rain fell relentlessly from the darkened clouds as the Seas turned to Maelstroms, sinking & destroying all those who dared to set sail. Out of the Chaos that ensued, this wasn't the worst of it, for not only did it destroy and kill, it also stole.
The Great Storm disappeared as quickly as is appeared, after existing for two months, it was soon gone and the World was safe once more, for the storm never returned, but neither did the continent of Sancti.
During its reign, the ferocious tempest had taken over and stole Sancti from the globe. The rest of the world was left untouched and unharmed. As time progressed, all of the remaining civilizations had forgotten all about Sancti and the people of Sancti. As for the storm, all knowledge of it and documented evidence, vanished without a trace. As if something or someone had erased it from existence itself.
This was not the end of Sancti though, the Land that was home to the Proud people of Sancti, the farmers, the warriors and the Nobles, but they weren't the only presence of Life. The land was also home to Magnificent creatures, ferocious fiends and dangerous monsters. The Lands of Sancti continued to live on for the storm may have ripped it from our world, but it transported it to another.
There existed a Planet that was only water, no earth or land at all, it was just a field of Ocean, an Ocean void of Life. The Planet was called Oceania, it was the 10th planet in our Solar System and is positioned between Mercury and Mars. The planet of Oceania is the parallel equivalent of Earth. During its whole existence in our galaxy, the planet went undiscovered, completely unknown to the people of Earth.
In the year of the Great Storm, Sancti wasn't the only thing taken, for Oceania, a planet on the verge of total destruction, was also taken. Both had vanished in a blink of the eye and were transported to the very edge of the Universe. A place where time itself seems to be frozen and yet, thanks to a yellow sun much like the one in our Solar System, and a moon, much like the one that orbits the planet Earth, night and day were still able to occur.
Upon its new placement in the universe, Oceania sat proudly as the Great Storm gave the planet the greatest gift of all, it gave it the gift of Life. Sancti was placed in the watery planet, giving it both Life & Earth, but as the years progressed Sancti the continent, broke apart and new lands seemed to grow as the land divided into Realms.
More wars broke out as humanity fought off the monsters and each other before a time of peace had arrived. Peace went on to last for centuries as the Realms split up and divided up into Islands & Colonies before a second storm came along and threatened the peaceful existence of all the inhabitants of Oceania.
Where as the first storm had brought Life, the second one had brought with it Death, Death in the form of Shadows, beings of pure darkness that desires nothing more than the ultimate reign of terror, supreme power and a river of blood. One by one the Realms fell into the hands of the Dark Ones and they were so close to enslaving the whole planet, until a Clan of Warriors rose up against the Forces of Evil and eradicated them the the lands of Oceania.
The Dark Ones were no more, but a part of their evil lived on, now living in the hearts of Man & Monster. Tyrants would rise, accumulating power only to fall at the hands of the Watchers, the descendants of the warriors who had vanquished the Dark Ones.
The warriors feared evil would one day n rise again, so the Watchers were created, a Clan of Warriors to watch over the Realms and protect them. Over the centuries that went on, the Watchers continued to thrive & safeguard, forever keeping watch, waiting for the Darkness to rise once more, just so they can smite it once more.
The world has changed now and civilizations exist in the 23rd century, in the year of 2246 and yet they still lived in a Medieval era, over 900 years have passed and yet, their version of the Medieval times seemed to only have progressed 100 years. In this peaceful century there is an uprising, evil is on the rise once again, the Darkness was back and was infecting many. The plagues are back and it won't be long till wars are fought, for battles have already returned and lives are being ended by the steel blades of swords, as they cut down their victims on the battlefield.
It is now time for the Watchers to act, but due to the progression of time, the vigorous training and the selection processes, the Watchers have become a mere shadow of their former glory as now only a handful remain. This is the story of the young Warrior living on the Isle of Iris in the Mares Realm, this is the story of Zach.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 28th, 2012

Hey Guys,

I've been recently asked if I could write a short story, at least 150 pages for a fiction novel set in medieval times, based upon the exploits of a young male and his gang of friends. It's to be for children and young adults between the ages of 5-16 and I'm going to be posting it on here as well so you can let me know what you think and see how it pans out and progresses.

At this time I have no main title of the novel, but the subtitle is: The Eye of Iris

The Chapters will be short and there will be illustrations.

So without further ado, here is Chapter 1:

The Forgotten Storm

Centuries ago, back in the era of the Medieval ages, there existed civilizations unknown to the world of today. Wars broke out, sickness and diseases swept across the lands and many a famine had occurred. Most of the civilizations were wiped out completely, Erased & Forgotten for all of Eternity.
In the year of 1327, a tremendous disastrous happening took place, something far worse than never ending battles, illnesses and plagues, for this is the year of the Great Storm. Legends tell of a tale where the Great Storm, the storm that started from the ends of the Earth and spread out, casting its great shadows over the lands it engulfed.
Rain fell relentlessly from the darkened clouds as the Seas turned to Maelstroms, sinking & destroying all those who dared to set sail. Out of the Chaos that ensued, this wasn't the worst of it, for not only did it destroy and kill, it also stole.
The Great Storm disappeared as quickly as is appeared, after existing for two months, it was soon gone and the World was safe once more, for the storm never returned, but neither did the continent of Sancti.
During its reign, the ferocious tempest had taken over and stole Sancti from the globe. The rest of the world was left untouched and unharmed. As time progressed, all of the remaining civilizations had forgotten all about Sancti and the people of Sancti. As for the storm, all knowledge of it and documented evidence, vanished without a trace. As if something or someone had erased it from existence itself.
This was not the end of Sancti though, the Land that was home to the Proud people of Sancti, the farmers, the warriors and the Nobles, but they weren't the only presence of Life. The land was also home to Magnificent creatures, ferocious fiends and dangerous monsters. The Lands of Sancti continued to live on for the storm may have ripped it from our world, but it transported it to another.
There existed a Planet that was only water, no earth or land at all, it was just a field of Ocean, an Ocean void of Life. The Planet was called Oceania, it was the 10th planet in our Solar System and is positioned between Mercury and Mars. The planet of Oceania is the parallel equivalent of Earth. During its whole existence in our galaxy, the planet went undiscovered, completely unknown to the people of Earth.
In the year of the Great Storm, Sancti wasn't the only thing taken, for Oceania, a planet on the verge of total destruction, was also taken. Both had vanished in a blink of the eye and were transported to the very edge of the Universe. A place where time itself seems to be frozen and yet, thanks to a yellow sun much like the one in our Solar System, and a moon, much like the one that orbits the planet Earth, night and day were still able to occur.
Upon its new placement in the universe, Oceania sat proudly as the Great Storm gave the planet the greatest gift of all, it gave it the gift of Life. Sancti was placed in the watery planet, giving it both Life & Earth, but as the years progressed Sancti the continent, broke apart and new lands seemed to grow as the land divided into Realms.
More wars broke out as humanity fought off the monsters and each other before a time of peace had arrived. Peace went on to last for centuries as the Realms split up and divided up into Islands & Colonies before a second storm came along and threatened the peaceful existence of all the inhabitants of Oceania.
Where as the first storm had brought Life, the second one had brought with it Death, Death in the form of Shadows, beings of pure darkness that desires nothing more than the ultimate reign of terror, supreme power and a river of blood. One by one the Realms fell into the hands of the Dark Ones and they were so close to enslaving the whole planet, until a Clan of Warriors rose up against the Forces of Evil and eradicated them the the lands of Oceania.
The Dark Ones were no more, but a part of their evil lived on, now living in the hearts of Man & Monster. Tyrants would rise, accumulating power only to fall at the hands of the Watchers, the descendants of the warriors who had vanquished the Dark Ones.
The warriors feared evil would one day n rise again, so the Watchers were created, a Clan of Warriors to watch over the Realms and protect them. Over the centuries that went on, the Watchers continued to thrive & safeguard, forever keeping watch, waiting for the Darkness to rise once more, just so they can smite it once more.
The world has changed now and civilizations exist in the 23rd century, in the year of 2246 and yet they still lived in a Medieval era, over 900 years have passed and yet, their version of the Medieval times seemed to only have progressed 100 years. In this peaceful century there is an uprising, evil is on the rise once again, the Darkness was back and was infecting many. The plagues are back and it won't be long till wars are fought, for battles have already returned and lives are being ended by the steel blades of swords, as they cut down their victims on the battlefield.
It is now time for the Watchers to act, but due to the progression of time, the vigorous training and the selection processes, the Watchers have become a mere shadow of their former glory as now only a handful remain. This is the story of the young Warrior living on the Isle of Iris in the Mares Realm, this is the story of Zach.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 20th, 2012

Attention one and all, I am in need of a partner in Crime:

We won't be breaking any laws, but I do need an artistic companion to work with me for a New Comic, the Me & You Comics, a series of comics that will be about anything and everything. Parodies of famous games like Zelda, and original things as well.

The comics will be short so we can do at least one a week, I already have some scripts for the comics, now I just need someone to bring them to life.

Leave a comment or PM me if interested, I will get back to you straight away and send some of the scripts so you can see what you've got to work with.

One artist would be great, but more will be fine, the more artists, the more comics we can make, I look forwards to hearing from you.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - November 7th, 2012

Hey Guys & Girls

the other day I was talking to a friend of mine and we were talking about the old days and some of the stuff we had done in our ealier on NG days and when that talk was over I remembered the Script Shop, an account that was created which posts were all about Scripts written by you Joe Public and we would put them on our posts and try and find animators or actors and even artists to take over your scripts and together help you on your way to seing your written works become a reality.

Due to starting out, the only scripts in the Store are all currently written by me, but today I'll be hitting the forums and looking for some new writers to represent as together we fill the world with the works we do.

Below are what is currently in Stock:


*The Quagmire Show - Two episodes: Written by Greatwh1teshark (me)
The Quagmire show is a fan based parody starring Glen Quagmire and gives you an insight into the life of Quagmire, the what goes on behind close doors, after all, if Cleveland can have a spin-off, why can't Quagmire?

Original Comedy:

*Reasons - A 6 part Series: Written by Greatwh1teshark (me)
Reasons is comedy set in a fresh seafood resturant and stars two reaccuring characters, the Diner and the Waiter, all the Diner wants is a pleasant meal, but every time he orders a new dish, disasterous occurances take place, just what will happen in Reasons:

*The Set: Two episodes: Written by Greatwh1teshark (me)
Meet Samuel Snider, an alcoholic Writer trying to make his big break in California, but between all the sleeping around, drinking and getting stoned, it is surprising how he seems to find the time to do anything so when he has recently just sold a movie to Hollywood which is now in Production, Snider finds himself having to juggle work as well. Below is an extract from the Pilot episode:

(The babe:) "What are you doing later, maybe we can discuss the script?" (She too was attracted to him)
(Snider:) "Later on I will be getting very drunk, getting stoned and most likely having sex, all in that order."
(The babe:) "Are you serious?"
(Snider:) "Yeah, want to join me?"

Pokemon Parody:

*The Charmeleon Chronicles - 3 episodes: Written by Greatwh1teshark (me)
After dealing with an incompetant pokemon trainer and recently involving, a Charmander evolves into a Rare Charmander seen only once before and with the knowledge of being a better trainer then his actual trainer, Charmeleon embarks on his own Pokemon Journey with his originally fat Pikachu, now turned beefcake. Their aim, challenging Gyms and finding even more Rare Pokemon.

Zelda Parody:

*The Zelda Files Season 1: 1 episode: Written by Greatwh1teshark (me)
Originally brought to you from Greatwh1teshark (myself) and Peltos, the animator and writer have gone their seperate ways, each preferring to do newer things, but now back in action to go again to finish the current series started in 2009 and then to embark in the new Series.

*The Zelda Files Season 2: Full length series (12 episodes): Written by Greatwh1teshark (me)
The continuing Series of The Zelda Files which sees the Hero Link return as he embarks on a whole new set of adventures and as a special treat, Series 2 also introduces a 4 part story-line of the Serial Killer Diaries.

More stock will be in store soon, just as soon as we get some submissions, and if interested in reading any of the scripts, just send me a message and in it put your email address and I will email any and all the scripts you require and if you would like to animate the script or use it, I'll put you in touch with the writer or writers.

Also a quick note to Writers, feel free to register to the Script store, Writers who register as opposed to writers who don't are more likely have their works pushed and sent to animators.

To register we just need your username and a link to your page, also I will need your email so I can contact you easy and to recieve your scripts.

Thank you for your time and for being at the launch of the All New Script Store.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - July 1st, 2012

"So a couple of Donkey's ago I was down on my last Aryton and I was in desperate need of making bread when this ginger come up to me and offered me a monkey to give him crust, lick his cobbler's and J. Arther his Hampton. Before saying yes I crossed the Frog to use the Bone and call my ol' China. He told me as long as it didn't involve my Khyber, then I should put my North and South to his Hampton and pretend it's a lardy, so I did and that night I had a great Ruby with Rosie."

Posted by greatwh1teshark - April 25th, 2011

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 31st, 2010

Hey everyone, just a quick update on the Zelda Files series, as far as Season 1 goes, we have one episode left do, which will be a do not miss episode.

Next up, a new Hidden Files is coming out today, this one is really rather special what with a special menu designed and some extra things I'm not going to mention, and as far as that series goes there will be a third and it ends there, but the third introduces a game we're doing.

And then we have a second season coming out which is written and then a New Year Zelda Files movie.

There is also one last 2010 special we are doing and maybe some 2011 specials I'm not sure, this is a list of everything we've got out for now:

Zelda Files: Hidden Files
Zelda Files Hidden File 1: Link's Lesson on Love

Zelda Files Season 1:

Zelda Files Chapter 1: Link's Lesson on Supply & Demand
Zelda Files Chapter 2: Link gets Played
Zelda Files Chapter 3: Link and the Dance off
Zelda Files Chapter 4: Santa Link (Christmas Edition 2009)
Zelda Files Chapter 5: Battle of the Nintendo Titans: Link vs. Mario
Zelda Files Chapter 6: Link and the Welcome home Partyyy:
Zelda Files Chapter 7: Me, me, me, me too (Three part Four Swords special)
Zelda Files Chapter 8: Five Swords Adventure (Three part Four Swords special)

Zelda Files 2010 Specials:
Zelda Files: Halloween Special 2010
Zelda Files Request: Ruby's Fight

Well that's all for now folks.

Till next time.