Hey everyone, just a quick update on the Zelda Files series, as far as Season 1 goes, we have one episode left do, which will be a do not miss episode.
Next up, a new Hidden Files is coming out today, this one is really rather special what with a special menu designed and some extra things I'm not going to mention, and as far as that series goes there will be a third and it ends there, but the third introduces a game we're doing.
And then we have a second season coming out which is written and then a New Year Zelda Files movie.
There is also one last 2010 special we are doing and maybe some 2011 specials I'm not sure, this is a list of everything we've got out for now:
Zelda Files: Hidden Files
Zelda Files Hidden File 1: Link's Lesson on Love
Zelda Files Season 1:
Zelda Files Chapter 1: Link's Lesson on Supply & Demand
Zelda Files Chapter 2: Link gets Played
Zelda Files Chapter 3: Link and the Dance off
Zelda Files Chapter 4: Santa Link (Christmas Edition 2009)
Zelda Files Chapter 5: Battle of the Nintendo Titans: Link vs. Mario
Zelda Files Chapter 6: Link and the Welcome home Partyyy:
Zelda Files Chapter 7: Me, me, me, me too (Three part Four Swords special)
Zelda Files Chapter 8: Five Swords Adventure (Three part Four Swords special)
Zelda Files 2010 Specials:
Zelda Files: Halloween Special 2010
Zelda Files Request: Ruby's Fight
Well that's all for now folks.
Till next time.
wow, you must really like zelda
i mean alot alot