Hi I'm a diver that enjoys playing video games when I'm not writing about marine life, diving or maritime history, but if I'm not doing that I'm out with my mates. How about you?

Jack Longman @greatwh1teshark

Age 32, Male


School of Life

Diving the Med

Joined on 4/10/09

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greatwh1teshark's News

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 22nd, 2009

Well time for a new post I think, and what to talk about, how about my next project, or flash I'm planning on making.

The title of the flash is the same as the title of this post, "Bitch Slap!" The flash will introduce a new character that me and my partner (the person who is assisting me on this flash), have created. The new character, who I hope to do somethign else with, is called "Bobby." Now Bobby is your typical lazy alcoholic with a huge beer gut and wears nothing but a vest and speedos, a real slob if you like. As well as introducing him, we also bring in his wife, who shall remain nameless for now. Well that's enough about the characters for now, my sister (my partner on this project) and I plan on having this finished by this time next week, so feel free to be on the lookout, oh and just to let you all know now, there shall be swearing in it, maybe even excessive and it will bew slightly violent, you have been warned.

Well that's all for now, until Bitch Slap! comes out at least.

EDIT: While working on this project, which I hope will be finished by Jan 1st, a mate of mine had made a request of me to make a parody of the Pokemon Dungeon Red Rescue Team game, so I did and here it is, hope you enjoy, here is the link: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

EDIT AGAIN: If you would like to see what I've done so far, check out these links: Page: http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/4009/7 4414_bitch_slap_title.php
Lightbox: http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/4009/7 4414_bitch_slap_title.php?lightbox
File: http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/4009/7 4414_bitch_slap_title.swf

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 9th, 2009

Hey everyone, after some time working on the Zelda Files, I can announce that all the scripts are now written, so I can now release how many chapters there are in the series and give their names:

Zelda Files Chapter 1: Link's Lesson on Supply & Demand
Zelda Files Chapter 2: Link gets Played
Zelda Files Chapter 3: Link and the Dance off
Zelda Files Chapter 4: Santa Link (Christmas Edition 2009)
Zelda Files Chapter 5: Battle of the Nintendo Titans: Link vs. Mario
Zelda Files Chapter 6: Link and the Welcome home Partyyy:
Zelda Files Chapter 7: Me, me, me, me too (Three part Four Swords special)
Zelda Files Chapter 8: Five Swords Adventure (Three part Four Swords special)
Zelda Files Chapter 9: Storming the Castle (Three part Four Swords special/Season finale)

All episodes are written by me and animated by Peltos, who I must say is doing a good job on the animating the episodes in comic book form. Now just because these nine episodes are all for the series, doesn't mean that the Zelda Files is coming to an end, for I plan on doing a Zelda Files season 2, which will come out as soon as Chapter 9 is finished.

Well this is all for now, except that Chapter 3 shall be finished within the next week, so be sure to be on the lookout for it, it picks up where Chapter 2 left off.

EDIT: Well Chapter 3 has now come out, so feel free to check it out, oh and Chapter 4, a special Christmas edition, will be coming out soon. Also feel free to check out the attached photo, it contains sprites of Link from Phantom Hourglass.

The full Zelda Files series

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 2nd, 2009

Well last month was quite a busy one for me, the amount of stuff I got up to, work wise, dive wise and NG wise. Recently I have been starting many series which will be coming out soon in the next year, and last month, I had eight projects come out, so what an eventful month it was. If you want to check out my released projects, here they are:

1. When Pokemon go Bad episode 1
2. N1nt3ndo Art collab
3. Zelda Files Chapter 1
4. Zelda Files Chapter 2
5. Destroy GSM
6. The Ugly Truth
7. Pimp Santa
8. TLOZ FG trailer

For December however, I do have five more projects planned to be released this month, but whether or not they will all be released this month, I'm not sure.

I would just like to thank Giantsockmonster, JKAmovies, Peltos and CubePanda for bringing my projects to life, thanks guys.

Busy month

Posted by greatwh1teshark - November 19th, 2009

That's right folks, the Legend is brought back life in the all new series, "The Zelda Files." Going back a few years, back when Zelda comics were the range, we are giving Link a series of new adventures in his latest comic book adventure. As well as fighting the old enemies from the series he must deal with the population of Hyrule, who came either make Link's life a paradise or living hell, make sure you catch Link's latest story, and it is being brought to you by me and Peltos here on Newgrounds.

To see the latest editions of Link's journeys, you can check out the following chapters:

Zelda Files: Chapter 1
Zelda Files: Chapter 2

There are still more adventures coming to your soon, Chapter three and a very special Christmas edition for 2009.

Well that's all for the Zelda Files, for now.

The Zelda Files

Posted by greatwh1teshark - November 9th, 2009

After a pretty long wait, the N1nt3ndo Art collab is finally finished and finally here. So if you want to check it out, click on the tite or this link here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Hope you all like it, and if you fancy checking out something else I have done, feel free to check out When Pokemon go Bad episode 1 or you can check out my new series, The Zelda files Chapter 1

Well that's all for now, but I have got some other projects underway.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - October 28th, 2009

Well after a few months since we got together, JKAmovies and I started working on a collab project together. In the beginning it was going to be the NG 2009 Collab, which turned to an underwater collab, but because someone else had the same idea, we had to rethink things, utnil we came up with the idea of the N1nt3ndo Art collab. So after a few months of work and art recruiting in the forums, the project is finally finished and its not long now until it will be submitted to NG. As well as this, there are going to be medals on it, anyway I hope you all enjoy it, a lot of effort went into it.

The N1nt3ndo Art Collab, coming to you soon!

Now for those of you who are waiting on this, this is something else I have done that you could watch for the time being: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Posted by greatwh1teshark - October 23rd, 2009

Well after a few busy weeks working, I finally had some time to do a bit of writing. Within one week, I have written twenty pages for a book I'm working on and wrote 12 scripts, belonging to four different series I'm planning on releasing to NG. The amount of pages I had written is immense, especially for my series "The Set," which stars an alcoholic stoner writer, who's trying to earn a living in LA (PM for more details). Well that's what I've been up to recently, how about you.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - October 15th, 2009

In my last post for Open Ocean Productions I said that we would be announcing our first project soon, well I'm not only going to announce our first project we've currently got going on, I'm going to announce all of them, so here they are:

Project 1: Link's Lesson on Love (being animated by toontown1 and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 2: Love's many forms (being animated by TripleDK and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 3: Pokemon: When Pokemon go Bad (three episodes) (being animated by Giantsockmonster and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 4: The Charmeleon Chronicles: (two episodes) (being animated by Giantsockmonster and written by greatwh1teshark)

Open Ocean Productions Staff:

Board of Directors:
1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
3. Sorrygirl99
4. Xellon

1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
5. FourSwordsKing
6. Sniperleader1337
7. TripleDK
18. Pat61

Voice actors:
2. Betteratbrawl7777
8. TheFlame Alchemist
9. Kittensinafryingpan
10. TripleDK
18. Pat61

Music composers:
12. brkzeld
13. LonelyAngle
18. Pat61

10. TripleDK
14. IKanzAnimate
15. bocodamondo
16. Mabelma
17. toontown1

5. FourSwordsKing
17. toontown1
18. Zookyman2
19. Giantsockmonster

Well that is all the current staff, we are still looking for more members, females are a must especially for voice acting and we are still looking for two more Directors.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - October 12th, 2009

Due to the recent activity for Open Ocean Productions, I thought it was time to announce the staff of Open Ocean Productions:

Board of Directors:
1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
3. Sorrygirl99
4. Xellon

1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
5. FourSwordsKing
6. Sniperleader1337
7. TripleDK
18. Pat61

Voice actors:
2. Betteratbrawl7777
8. TheFlame Alchemist
9. Kittensinafryingpan
10. TripleDK
18. Pat61

Music composers:
11. AronKong
12. brkzeld
13. LonelyAngle
18. Pat61

10. TripleDK
14. IKanzAnimate
15. bocodamondo
16. Mabelma
17. toontown1

11. AronKong
18. Zookyman2

Well that is all the current staff, we are still looking for more members, females are a must especially for voice acting and we are still looking for two more Directors. Also we'll be announcing our first project soon.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - October 5th, 2009

Recently I've started putting together a team to start a new flash production team here on NG. I've got some, but I'm currently trying to recruit members. I'm after voice actors, sound guys, animators and writers, there are many positions available, all you've got to do is get in contact and give me a brief history of your flash projects, together we can make flash history.

Now I am going to be the company Director and producer or organizer to the animations we make, but am currently looking for two partners to run it, so if interested in being a partner, or joining, please get in touch.

EDIT: I am now looking for three more partners, so I can form a board of directors. Sorrygirl99 and betteratbrawl7777 are two of my current partners.