In my last post for Open Ocean Productions I said that we would be announcing our first project soon, well I'm not only going to announce our first project we've currently got going on, I'm going to announce all of them, so here they are:
Project 1: Link's Lesson on Love (being animated by toontown1 and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 2: Love's many forms (being animated by TripleDK and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 3: Pokemon: When Pokemon go Bad (three episodes) (being animated by Giantsockmonster and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 4: The Charmeleon Chronicles: (two episodes) (being animated by Giantsockmonster and written by greatwh1teshark)
Open Ocean Productions Staff:
Board of Directors:
1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
3. Sorrygirl99
4. Xellon
1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
5. FourSwordsKing
6. Sniperleader1337
7. TripleDK
18. Pat61
Voice actors:
2. Betteratbrawl7777
8. TheFlame Alchemist
9. Kittensinafryingpan
10. TripleDK
18. Pat61
Music composers:
12. brkzeld
13. LonelyAngle
18. Pat61
10. TripleDK
14. IKanzAnimate
15. bocodamondo
16. Mabelma
17. toontown1
5. FourSwordsKing
17. toontown1
18. Zookyman2
19. Giantsockmonster
Well that is all the current staff, we are still looking for more members, females are a must especially for voice acting and we are still looking for two more Directors.
Don't you think Nintendo might sue your asses for ripping all their characters?
Have they sued everyone else here on Newgrounds who have done parodies of Nintendo characters?