Well after a few months since we got together, JKAmovies and I started working on a collab project together. In the beginning it was going to be the NG 2009 Collab, which turned to an underwater collab, but because someone else had the same idea, we had to rethink things, utnil we came up with the idea of the N1nt3ndo Art collab. So after a few months of work and art recruiting in the forums, the project is finally finished and its not long now until it will be submitted to NG. As well as this, there are going to be medals on it, anyway I hope you all enjoy it, a lot of effort went into it.
The N1nt3ndo Art Collab, coming to you soon!
Now for those of you who are waiting on this, this is something else I have done that you could watch for the time being: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
Sounds cool
Yes it does.