Best one in the series
Okay as the writer of this series i just feel that fater reading your comments, that i should say this. This episode sure the pot thing may have been overdone, but orginally this started out as a comic, this episode was the first one to be animated, but this was never done as a rip off off the four swords adventures, i was writing this series before i joined NG as for this episode, this episode is a three part story which carries in on the next two chapters, which are the last episodes in this series, but i can say there is a second series after this, which is very connected because theres a serial killer mini series in it and a major climaxing finish which is connected to this three episode mini series at the end. As for the Dark Link turnming good, this was done because no one would expect besides you´re all forgetting, it is dark link, he will have an ulterior motive, and if you keep watching it´ll all kick off. This series, the final episodes sets the mark for the second series which goes extremely epic, this was fone to be differnt to everythign that people would expect in a Zelda series but trust my the final episode wil be worth watching as will the second series. All the episodes are much longer and have a dynamic overall story. Now as regards to Peltos, i loved the way you´ve changed the comic to an episode, i liked it a lot, i can´t wait to see the second episode in this series or the third. I know they´l be worth it, good work man, sure there were spelling errors but they weren´t too bad.