Hi I'm a diver that enjoys playing video games when I'm not writing about marine life, diving or maritime history, but if I'm not doing that I'm out with my mates. How about you?

Jack Longman @greatwh1teshark

Age 32, Male


School of Life

Diving the Med

Joined on 4/10/09

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The Legend of Zelda: The Forgotten Legend (Part 2)

Posted by greatwh1teshark - August 23rd, 2009

The Legend of Zelda: The Forgotten Legend

Chapter 1: Desert of the Ages

Link awoke, his face buried under the sand. "Where am I?" He asked as he got to his knees and stood up, gazing at his surroundings. No matter where he looked, all he could see was sand and rock, due to his surroundings he knew he was in a desert, but not one he'd ever been to.
"How did I get here? Last thing I remember is Ganondorf hitting me with a powerful beam before knocking me through that portal." Link said, rethinking his last activities.
"Well, I'm not going to get out of here and defeat Ganondorf if I don't get moving!" Link thought to himself before looking at his hand, seeing the Triforce glowing.
"Wonder why it's doing that?" Link asked before lowering his hand and then setting off.
Heading for where he saw the sun setting, but what he didn't know was that in the Dark realm, even though it is called the Dark realm, it is covered by twilight.
Link spent the next three days heading for the sun, but not once did the distance diminish, but to add to that, he had a strange feeling that the dark cloud above him was following him, and what's more, he thought it was also watching him.
It was on the fourth day of constant marching, did he come across the first sign of life and funnily enough, it was a sign. Link read the words on the sign out loud. "The Aruian Desert, so that's where I am" but when he finished uttering the words, he passed out, due to him not sleeping in days.
"LINK!" A voice called out that only Link could hear.
"Link, it's me Zelda!" Princess Zelda called out. "Link, its Ganondorf, he's too powerful, we need you. Argh!" Zelda screamed.
"Zelda!" Link called out as he woke up, surprised to see he was in a cabin.
"I see you are awake!" An old man called out from his chair by the cackling fire.
"Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here? And what is this place?" Link asked, firing many questions as he sat up and looked into the man's eyes.
"You are in my home, inside the Aruian Desert, the only place you are safe. Now to answer your other questions, I am Aru, the Oracle of Knowledge. I saw you in the desert , you were passed out. I was going to leave you there, but when I saw that Ganondorf's beast "Darkala," King of the dark clouds was going to attack you, I knew you were different. So I fended off the beast and brought you back here. Now to answer your final question, you are in the Desert of Ages, an evil place that can only belong in the Dark realm." Aru told Link.
"This is the place Ganondorf escaped from, but how? And how did you fight off that beast? Also why is this glowing?" Link held up his hand with the Triforce on.
"You mean the Guardian of the Triforce doesn't know, I'll explain. When you assembled all three pieces of the Triforce and defeated Ganondorf that is when you changed into this. Your sword altered, as did your tunic, your shield, you even got a lot stronger, but Ganondorf returned and was able to over power you and send you here. When all this happened you stopped being Link, but became the Guardian of the Triforce, a God in human form. Now your Triforce is glowing, because you are in immediate danger, so it is glowing to constantly warn you. Now I was able to save you from the creature because when Darkala saw me, like all other dark creatures, it fled, for all entities here fear me and my knowledge. Before I tell you how Ganondorf escaped, what do you know about the Forgotten Legend?
Link shook his head and reached for his shield, putting it on his back before touching the Master sword, but the second his fingers met with the steel, the sword transformed into an old staff, the Staff of Messor.
"What just happened?" Link asked out of shock.
"It's time you learnt the Forgotten Legend." Aru said before telling Link everything.
Hours later, Link yawned when the story was over. "So this rod will get me home?"
"Yes it will, but only if you beat the Portal Guardian.
"When Ganondorf left, he gave a Dark soldier shape shifting powers, powers that enable to be undefeatable to all those who do know posses the Triforce. You are the only one who can beat him Link."
"How do I get to the portal?" Link asked. "How do I beat the guardian without my sword?"
"To get to the portal, you will need the Triforce to lead you to it. As for beating the shape shifter, the staff will transform itself into the weapon you desire. Now rest, for tomorrow you'll need all your energy."
The next morning, Aru woke Link up and told him that it was time to go. It was when he was outside Aru's cabin that Link saw it, a gold path emerged on top of the sand, the path was going to lead Link to the portal. Link followed the path for the next three days before he saw the huge round golden portal. And when he did, his staff turned back into the Master sword.
"I knew you would come." A voice said, causing Link to turn round and see a shadowy version of himself.
"You're not Dark Link, you're the shape shifter." Link had his sword and shield at the ready.
"Actually I'm both. I was Dark Link, right up till you defeated me and I got sent here. I ceased to exist, lost my form, until Ganondorf came. He used his powers to return me back to normal and told me he had a deal for me. He said that when he escaped, he was going to find you and send you here and that when you arrived, you would be all mine. He of course knew how you defeated, so he increased my strength and gave me shape shifting powers that would enable me to kill you, and when I do I'll be free to open the portal and return to your world, bringing the power of darkness with me and once back in your world, I will reign supreme under Ganondorf. As much as I love the sound of my own voice, it is time you die!" Dark Link pulled out his sword and ran at Link, their swords clanging when they met each other in mid air.
Link pulled his sword away first and swung again, aiming his weapon to cut Dark Link in half, but the word cut through nothing because Dark Link disappeared before reappearing.
"You can't beat me Link, not this time!" It was Dark Link's turn to strike, his sword hitting Link's shield before he leaped into the air and kicked Link in the face, causing him to fall to the fall, while blood gushed out of his nose like a river.
"Don't be so sure." Link replied, wiping the blood away before the Triforce on his hand glowed even more and he leaped into the air, doing his most powerful spin attack ever.
When booth Links had landed on the floor, Dark Link had smiled. "Interesting, it seems you've gotten stronger yourself. This battle is starting to get interesting."

As like before, if you want to see the story continue, just say, otherwise you'll never know who survives the Desert.

The Legend of Zelda: The Forgotten Legend (Part 2)


Cool link man, she is a bitch, though she is hot.

its all crumpled up...like a story...

Yeah I know, that's how I wrote it.

nice story I'm starting to get into this stuff!

Thanks man, glad you like it.

you really like zelda don't you?

I like the series, it has a cool story, but I'd thought I'd write my own version of it, everyone else does.

I agree with the response you left to Xellon.

Thanks man.

Jaws is my fav movie

They are good films, you know as well as a fake rubber shark, they also had a real one?

I like sharks to, have you seen his shark picture, its really cool.

Thanks for the comment.