Hi I'm a diver that enjoys playing video games when I'm not writing about marine life, diving or maritime history, but if I'm not doing that I'm out with my mates. How about you?

Jack Longman @greatwh1teshark

Age 32, Male


School of Life

Diving the Med

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The Legend of Zelda: The Forgotten Legend

Posted by greatwh1teshark - August 10th, 2009

The Legend of Zelda: The Forgotten Legend:

Prologue: The True creation of the Triforce

Many centuries ago, back before life itself was created, at around the time when the three Gods created the Triforce, There was a fourth God, His name was "Messor."

Messor was the eldest and most powerful out of the four Gods and was the God of Spirit, as well as being the master shape shifter. It was also he who was the one who came up with creating the world and the Triforce, but a Triforce that had contained four pieces because it was Spirit that was needed to bind the whole thing together.

Once the Triforce was assembled, Messor begun to change, he begun to have evil thoughts, thoughts that could destroy the world he helped create. So in the only way he knew how to stop himself, he created a staff, a staff that would rid him off his power, but as much as he tried, he continued to fail.

A century passed and his evil continued to destroy everything, legions and armies all led by one man, continued to march over the created world, filling fear and terror into all inhabitants.
But the man who was leading them was not the God Messor, but the evil son he created in his image, his son was "Gared," the secret ancestor of Ganondorf. During his travels to stop his son, Messor met "Aru," the Oracle of Knowledge. It was Aru who told Messor how he could put an end to the reign of evil. The Oracle told Messor that all this had begun when Messor had added Spirit into the Triforce, but not just any Spirit, his Spirit and with it, all the good he wielded, leaving himself with only evil.

Messor left the Oracle and went after the Triforce, finding it in the golden place they created that was hidden beneath Lake Aquar, which had gone on to become Lake Hylia. When he saw it resting on its pedestal, Messor snatched it up and ripped out the Spirit he put in.

Straight away all evil had vanished, but even with Spirit out of the Triforce, evil still remained in his and his son's heart and it was an evil that had to be destroyed before a second reign of evil.

Messor knew what had to be done; he and his son had to be destroyed, so after finally tracking his son down, they were engaged in an epic battle. Even though Messor was a God and Gared was a mere mortal, they were evenly matched in the battle for they were both using the power of evil and this was a fight Messor could not win.

Still in shame after losing the fight, Messor went on to find Aru the Oracle once more. It was during this visit that Aru told Messor that the only way he could win is if he used good, instead of evil against evil.

So once again, armed with knowledge he went after his son to try to destroy his only descendant once more, unaware that Gared had just had a son of his own.

During the battle, Messor found himself losing once more, so he used his powers of transformation and transfigured his son into an oak tree. With Gared in a new form, Messor plunged the missing piece of the Triforce into his son's chest.

The Spirit and good was too much for Gared, it had caused him to implode, the only thing that was left was a branch, a branch holding on to the Spirit. Messor then used his powers of transformation once more and morphed the Triforce piece into a ruby before in effort to vanquish the evil inside himself, he morphed the newly created staff into a sword and rammed it into his chest, piercing his own heart, killing him instantly. It was in its new form that the Staff of Messor went on to become the Master Sword, vanquisher of evil.

But this story does not end here, for after all this happened, the remaining Gods used their powers to reshape the world and erase its current history and gave it a new one, nut something they didn't know was that when the Spirit was plucked from the Triforce, a second one was created, one built from evil, the "Shadow Triforce," the very same one that Ganondorf learns about when banished in a realm of darkness, after his recent defeat by Link.

It was in that realm where Ganondorf acquired the second Triforce and used it to return to the world from whence he came, but with his new power he was able to remodel the world and banish Link, the Hero of Hyrule, to the Dark Realm, but all hope is not lost because Link was not the only inhabitant in the Dark Realm, sure there were hundreds of monsters, there was also one other, for Aru the Oracle, the only one who knew the "Forgotten Legend" was also banished here.

Fortunately for Link, Aru is the only one who knows how to transform the Master Sword back into the Staff of Messor, the only weapon that could help Link escape the Dark Realm, it was also the only weapon that could defeat both Ganondorf and the Shadow Triforce, while restoring light back to Hyrule, but in order to find Aru, Link is going to have to fight his way through the Dark Realm, because if he fails, then all hope is lost.

Well this was a Legend of Zelda Story that was created by a massive Zelda fan (me), and if you would like to see the story continue and find out if Link was able to find the Oracle of Aru, please let me know, or just leave your opinions of what you think of this Zelda story.



Some story took me about 10 minutes to read and understand it.

Really, only took me 10 minutes to type it, what did you think of it?

Pretty interesting and kinda brings up idea for a flash.

That' what I'm thinking too, but I can't find anyone who'll want to help me make a flash of it, do you know anyone?

Happy Clock Day too!

Same to you pyro!

I think this is a really cool story, someone should definitely do a flash on it.

I think Sorrygirl99 can help.

Really, I'll check her out, thanks for the tip.

Zeek says that he wants to do it.

Well that's great news

And i'll do the narating

I've got no problem with that, when do we start working on it?

Dude this is freaking EPC, every LOZ fan is gonna want more...get writing lolololol

Alright I will, I'm working on the second one now.

MY throught is a little dry today...ill do it whenever i can K?

Yeah sure that's no problem.

Yeah, so I'm here because betteratbrawl told me to come here to do a voice. I don't know if he wants me to do the narrator or what.

No you're to do a voice for Dark Link in ep.2 and ep.3

No dude, your doing dark link in ep.2. ep.1 is just me narrating.

This sucks incredibly, oh and that fanrt you drew in the post made link have giant woman-lips

You;'re free to your own opinion.