Hey there everyone,
I did say in my last post that I was going to do a series of posts that either contain articles that I have written and had published, or post pictures that I have taken during my underwater escapades.
If you look at the fish in the photo, you can see it's right in the middle of the screen, but the funny thing was that when I went to take the picture, the fish was nowhere to be seen, I was actually trying to get a picture of the red starfish behind the fish, but when I pressed the button, the female Rainbow Wrasse (Coris Julis), swam at me out of nowhere and got right in the middle of my shot, talk about a vanity complex. After I had took the picture I was able to eventually get the picture I wanted of the fish, even though I had to wait for two minutes, the fish just wouldn't leave me alone, it kept wanting its picture taken.
Please feel free to leave a comment of what you think of the picture or of the fish, if you would like to learn anything about the fish, feel free to send me a PM and I'll tell you what you want to know.
Ciao everyone, I've just spotted some fresh prey, got to get my teeth stuck in another article.
P.S As I said earlier on in this post, and in the last one everyone who sees this post, keep an eye out because from now on once a week I am planning on posting either underwater photos that I have taken or put articles I have written in this space, so if you want to learn things about the underwater realm, stick around, and you'll learn a lot.
i got top spot
oh yeah
Of course you did, you were the first person I told of my new post.