Hey there everyone,
I'm back after my two day stint away, how are you all, good? Because I've been so busy diving, as you can see in the picture, I'm the one with the black and blue cressi hood. Work has really been a bit hectic, I've spent the last few days more wet then dry, during this dive I was actually the one taking the photos but one of my dive buddies wanted to borrow this camera and took this picture.
Please leave a comment on what you think of this picture, I bet you all wish you could all live in an office like this don't you, the only reason why I was in the water is because it's Sepia Officinales (Common Cuttlefish) mating season, and I had to get a picture for my article.
While I've got space I'm just going to give a shout out to my friends:
If there was anyone I have forgotten I am sorry or if I misspelled the names of those on here, again I'm sorry, but everyone who sees this post, keep an eye out because from now on once a week I am planning on posting either underwater photos that I have taken or put articles I have written in this space, so if you want to learn things about the underwater realm, stick around, and you'll learn a lot.
Yeah, that would be a cool office. How'd you originally get into diving?
I originally got into diving after my near experience with death when I nearly drowned years ago. I always loved the sea but after my experience and when my brother became a diver, I knew hwat I wanted to be in life, an underwater journalist, which is exactly the kind of work now, so dreams can come true if you work hard enough.