Hey there everyone, just your friendly shark here.
I was out scuba diving recently and I saw this little fellow and I just knew I had to take a photo. This guy is a Small Red Scorpionfish (Scorpaena notata), you can see them during the day time when diving in the Med, but if you want to see them in action, you've got to be diving at night, which I was.
Please leave a comment of what you think of the little guy, or of what you think of the picture, but if you want to know more about this creature, just send me a PM and I'll tell you about him.
P.S. This isn't the only species of Scorpionfish that can be found in Southern Spain, there are many more, and they can be a lot bigger.
it kinda looks like it has a spiky spine. correct me if im wrong but is that an eye (the brown cirle)
It does have a spiky spine, you see when it is relaxed the spines are like you see in the picture, but if alarmed, they shoot up, capable of cutting into human flesh, they are a nightmare to accidentally trod on, some contain poison in their spikes that they release when they penetrate their prey. In some species, the poison is capable of killing small children, oh and yes the brown circle is its eye. When they are small like this they can look kind of cute, but the bigger ones are a lot uglier.