Hi I'm a diver that enjoys playing video games when I'm not writing about marine life, diving or maritime history, but if I'm not doing that I'm out with my mates. How about you?

Jack Longman @greatwh1teshark

Age 32, Male


School of Life

Diving the Med

Joined on 4/10/09

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6,100 / 6,400
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Yeah, that would be a cool office. How'd you originally get into diving?

I originally got into diving after my near experience with death when I nearly drowned years ago. I always loved the sea but after my experience and when my brother became a diver, I knew hwat I wanted to be in life, an underwater journalist, which is exactly the kind of work now, so dreams can come true if you work hard enough.

i got top spot on the list
which of these guys are yah?

As I said above, I'm the one on with the blue and black hood on, in other words I'm the one with his left hand on the regulator, also the one on the in the suit with the white scuba pro words. Hope this answer's your question.

well it did
you really love your job don't you

Of course I love, I mean sure I have to spend some time in an office sitting at the computer writing, but most of my time is spent in the water. I'm getting paid just to do what I love, what can be better then this, apart from sex of course. The funny thing is that I left England and English schools when I was ten. After moving to Spain I attended Spanish school for a few years before I left it all together and spent the next few years teaching myself everything I wanted to learn, and now I have a job doing exactly that, cool huh?

that's not cool

that's awesome
totally freakin awesome

I agrre with you on that.

how below the ground were you becuase it doesn't look that deep

We were bout three meters below surface, but the deepest I've been is 18 meters.

man you lucky! and full on under water knoladge according to your post :) did you see any fire corle down there? or whatevere it is...i hear it burns even under water.

No we don't get fire coral in Spain, you get that in the Caribbean and Hawaii I think.


I know it's sweet, it's totally sweat, so how are you?

You look so cool!
Must be fun to explore so much!

Yeah it is fun to be exploring so much, but one thing I love about diving, is that you can dive the same place a hundred times and still enjoy yourself.

never done it but I always wanted to

When I was 13 I had never done diving before either, my older brother had already passed his course and was diving all the time, making me jealous because I always wanted t do it, but on my 14th his birthday present to me was a try-dive. Basically a try-dive is when a non diver wants to take the plunge, and try diving, but you never forget your first dive, some people get it in a pool, but because I lived right next to the beach I did my dive in the sea, but t is an experience you'll never forget.

which part of Spain are you in again?

The southern part, Costa del Tropical. The town is called La Herradura, it's between Nerja and Almunecar, if you have Google earth you can see it.

i don't have google earth
(i used to but i don't seem to have it now)
but i guess i could just look it up in google
ol' fashion way

Yeah I guess you called, on a map it will look like a horseshoe shape, hence its name, La Herradura is Spanish for The Horseshoe.

Hey, I've always fancied being a diver, my uncle is one of 300 world wide commercial divers, he does alot of deep sea diving for oil rigs. I've been down to 16m and it was ppretty cool, but apparently a deep sea test they do is they take you down to 30 meters, give you a rubix cube and depending on the light on the surface, there are certain points where you can move the cube up and you can see the colours, then inch it down and it goes tinted blue :P Then they take you to 40, ask you to solve some simple maths questions and usually, because of the high nitrogen levels, you are totally stumped.

Man that's cool, I would love to try that. Your uncle sounds like a really cool dude, my brother thought about going into commercial diving but decided against it.

oh god i love diving (even though theres a certain fish im terribly afraid of and it isnt the shark or any of that stuff cus i know they arent here where i live)

seems like a good job i envy you lol

wait spain you live in spain? im latin so i dont know why im actually talking english

i love water related things aah i want to go to the beach now

I want to go to the beach too, but hey if you ever want a conversation In Spanish or Latin, just send me a PM. I understand both.

Its pretty dangerouse. The low oxygen levels can cause some fucked up shit. He told me he once got so confused he thought he could breath underwater...so he took his mask off.

Sounds like to me that he was suffering frtom Nitrogen nicosis, you get it if you've spent too long in a deep area, best thing for it is to go to shallower waters.

...You cant if your in the middle of the North sea mate :P He got paid £10k a dive and got in about 40 a year, which wasn't bad.

Man I would love to dive the north sea, I plan on diving all over the world and writing about my dive exploits, but sounds like your uncle has a very cool job and nice pay.

Doesn't do it anymore. He set up a charity with some of the money.

<a href="http://www.minesawareness.org/">http://www.minesawareness.org/</a>

Check it out there.

Hey I checked out the site, it's well done, covers all the bases. Hey, seeing as we've spoken a few times, want to be friends?

D: add pink volt to your friends.
i wish to be a friend to the entire world. ;)

Yeah sure, I'll add you to the list, anyone else?

Definitly :D Add ya to my list of amazingness

Well I've just added you to my list, chat to you later.

i just learned something today
all thanks to sharky

Well as they say, you learn something new every day, so how are you xellon?