Hi I'm a diver that enjoys playing video games when I'm not writing about marine life, diving or maritime history, but if I'm not doing that I'm out with my mates. How about you?

Jack Longman @greatwh1teshark

Age 32, Male


School of Life

Diving the Med

Joined on 4/10/09

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6,100 / 6,400
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greatwh1teshark's News

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 27th, 2010

Year's nearly over so time to review what I've achieved this year: I've written a novel, written a movie, written a pilot for a tv series. Written a series which is on the internet, all animated. I've also written a play and am now currently writing four novels all at the same time, and whilst doing all that I was maintaining a social life and work. Its been a long busy year, oh and not to forget the 5 weeks I've spent in hospital.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - December 20th, 2010

Hey NG, just thought I'd make a post about the things I'm currently busy working on, so here it is:

First up heres my Zelda Files series:

Zelda Files Season 1
Zelda Files: Hidden Files
Zelda Files 2010 Specials
Zelda Files Season 2
Zelda Files The Game
Zelda Files the New Year movie

Then there is my work on a brand new Pokemon series:

The Charmeleon Chronicles

But as well as those, I am currently trying to start two new projects which I am looking for help with, the projects are:

Link's Crossbow Training NG Edition:

I am sure most of you know about the game Link's Crossbow Training on the Wii, I love that guy and all the things you could do on it, I even loved the medal system and that game has given me an idea. Everyone loves a shooter game, and on NG there are loads, so I wish to make a NG version of the Wii game, a game which will also feature medals so every NG user who plays the game can also earn medlas as they play it. The game could feature numerous levels, levels from the ames, or new scenes and have some special NG desinged levels, like one where you-ll be in the forum section and you have to shoot all the bad NG posts, blam them if you will, and do the same in the flash portal where you have to destroy all the lower quality flashes.

The help I will need for this is a programmer and an animator to make the game, I am only a writer and an ideas guy and don't possess the equipment needed to make such a game, or the experience.

Also music composers would be greatly appreciated.

Zelda Files: Ruby's Fight: The Game:

I am a writer for a series on NG called the Zelda Files and after a certain episode was made and a special episode extra, I have decided I want to make a new Zelda game which is inspired of the game. I know it may not be too everyones liking, but I still think it would be interesting to make the game considering as how Link has never been portrayed in this way.

Now the episodes the game idea comes from are listed below, you can watch them to get an understanding of the game:

Zelda Files Ruby's Fight
Zelda Files Chapter 7

With the game I wish to make it a fighting game, which will be named Zelda Files Ruby's Fight: The Game, ZF Ruby's Fight the Game for short.

Now the game will feature Ruby as the main hero who is on a mission to save princess Zelda and follows his attempts to break into Hyrule castle as he fights his way inside and battles through every room in the castle until having a final showdown against the big bad Ganondorf in the thrne room.

My idea for the game is to be familliar to the Bunny Invasion games, what with the weapon systems and the waves of enemies, basically a complete Zelda Version of the Bunny Invasion games. For those who haven't seen Bunny Invasion, you can see it here:

Bunny Invasion Easter

The help I will need for this is a programmer and an animator to make the game, I am only a writer and an ideas guy and don't possess the equipment needed to make such a game, or the experience.

Also music composers would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - November 20th, 2010

Hello again people, me and my great animator pal Peltos bring you yet another episode of the Zelda Files, but instead of being part of season 1, season 2 or part of the Hidden Files, its just a spoof episode thrown in, a special gift to the Zelda Files fans while we work on the next epiosde.

Zelda Files spoof:

Zelda Files Request: Ruby's Fight

The latest episode of the Hidden Files is currently under progress.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - November 16th, 2010

So its official, me and Peltos are indeed making another Season of our beloved Zelda Files season. Although we are yet to finish our last Chapter for Season 1 (which we won't be starting till next year), we plan on doing a second Season straight after.

But now we have decided to make a Mini-series as well, at the moment it stands as 4 episodes, but might be streched to 6, which would make it a full season as well, but being the crazy team we are, we're doing the middle series inbetween the first series which if we pull this off, makes the mini series, the first Season of the Zelda Files to be completed, but we don't care, it just means our viewers have more episodes to watch.

Now with great pleasure, I am glad to announce that the first episode of the Hidden Files is already complete and that we are starting episode 2 very soon.

List of completed Zelda Files Hidden Files episodes:

Zelda Files Hidden File 1: Link's Lesson on Love

Also, just because we can, me and my animator pal Peltos, we're going to do a very short animation of a little special episode about Ruby, which is entitled: Zelda Files Special: Ruby in Action.

So that's quite a lot we've got in store for you, one last episode of Season 1 Zelda Files, an entire Season 2, a very short special and three to five more episodes of the Hidden Files, it'll be great fun though.

Can you believe that we've been doing this for a year now, neither can we.

This is what we've spent that year doing:


Zelda Files Chapter 1: Link's Lesson on Supply & Demand
Zelda Files Chapter 2: Link gets Played
Zelda Files Chapter 3: Link and the Dance off
Zelda Files Chapter 4: Santa Link (Christmas Edition 2009)
Zelda Files Chapter 5: Battle of the Nintendo Titans: Link vs. Mario
Zelda Files Chapter 6: Link and the Welcome home Partyyy:
Zelda Files Chapter 7: Me, me, me, me too (Three part Four Swords special)
Zelda Files: Halloween Special 2010
Zelda Files Chapter 8: Five Swords Adventure (Three part Four Swords special)

Well that's all for now folks.

Till next time.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - November 11th, 2010

Hey everyone, time for another post about mine and Peltos's series called The Zelda Files. We have now been working on the series for over a year and have done 8 episodes, two of which are animated and six still in cartoon format. Season 1 of the series has come along quite the way, it's now down to its last two episodes before the season is over and it has one hell of a season finale, one you wont want to miss.

As well as season 1 news, we are still trying to do a game with a very special episode to go with it, but we are also going to be doing a second season of the show, one which will be much greater and longer then season 1.


Zelda Files Chapter 1: Link's Lesson on Supply & Demand
Zelda Files Chapter 2: Link gets Played
Zelda Files Chapter 3: Link and the Dance off
Zelda Files Chapter 4: Santa Link (Christmas Edition 2009)
Zelda Files Chapter 5: Battle of the Nintendo Titans: Link vs. Mario
Zelda Files Chapter 6: Link and the Welcome home Partyyy:
Zelda Files Chapter 7: Me, me, me, me too (Three part Four Swords special)
Zelda Files: Halloween Special 2010
Zelda Files Chapter 8: Five Swords Adventure (Three part Four Swords special)


Zelda Files Chapter 9: Storming the Castle (Three part Four Swords special/Season finale)

Now as soon as Season 1 is finished, me and Peltos plan on starting Season 2, all of which is already written, but as well as there, we are also discussing the Zelda Files: The Hidden Chapters which will be a mini series, or Season 1.2

Well take care Zelda Files fans, and the rest of you NG users.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - May 16th, 2010

Like the subject says, I just love these guys, Buck Dharma is the best guitarist ever!:

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I'll be posting more Blue Oyster Cult songs here soon

Posted by greatwh1teshark - April 10th, 2010

Because I love Gene Hunt quotes so much, just thoguht I'd post some youtube links:

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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mtvnN6 l8K1A&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mtvnN6l8 K1A&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

And now I'll just leave you one thing, totally un Ashes to Ashes related, but my fav song ever:

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Posted by greatwh1teshark - April 10th, 2010

Okay, you just died, and found out that you're not welcome into Heaven and only Hell will take you, but then an angel walks up to you and says "There is a way you can get into Heaven, all you got to do is take this sword and kill a bunch of children, all under the age of 10, three virgins and two men, who just happen to be priests."

Now in order to get into Heaven, you have to kill all these people, if you don;t you go to Hell, but what is more important to you, an eternity of paradise, or going to Hell but you didn't give up your morals and beliefs.

What do you do, take the sword and butcher all the innocent lives, lives of people who never did anything wrong and are welcome to Heaven, or decline and go to Hell.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - April 10th, 2010

Hey everyone, today you catch me in a party mode, for today I'm not celebrating just one occasion but three, first occasion today is my 18th birthday, second today is a day that I had came so close to dying all the doctors are shocked I live, plus it was one year ago today that I joined NG.

So people of NG, why don't you join me in the celebration aa we can all party together.

Posted by greatwh1teshark - March 26th, 2010

Hey people if you reading gritty disgusting horrid things like murder and torture and seeing how sick the human mind can be, read all of this from below, it is such a great piece of work, somethign I've been working hard on for my book, let me know what you all think:

(By the way this is pretty graphic so make sure you at least older then 15, this might give you nightmares, all that you read is my own work)

Chapter 16:

Lewis spent the next week waiting outside Tombs door, listening to every single action he made. He heard Tombs decide it would be better if he conserved the batteries and tried to see if he could reach the drip, water is water when you're dying of thirst.
After another day, Lewis decided to just go in the cell and have some fun. He applied some oil on the hinge and reduced the squeaking noise when he opened the door and rushed Tombs.
First Lewis welded his right foot as hard as he could into Tombs face before smacking him a few times with both his fists, throwing jabs and hooks, but no matter how much Lewis hit him, all Tombs did was laugh, fuelling Lewis' hatred of the man.
Does this make you feel good? Does it Lewis?" Tombs laughed as blood ran down his chin.
"Screw you, you prick!" Lewis spat as he watched Tombs stand and threw a well aimed spin kick at both Tombs' ankles.
"Is that all you can do you?" Tombs asked, he was in a very weakened state due to his forced starvation.
"I don't know why I didn't do this sooner!" Lewis exclaimed as he kicked and punched at Tombs. "Man this is so much fun." Lewis said sadistically.
"I know it is, I had this much fun when I was doing Claire." Tombs snickered, trying to get a rise out of Lewis.
Lewis finished with his hardest punch yet, causing Tombs to be knocked off the floor and smash back down on it before Lewis grabbed his head and threw him head first into the wall, but it didn't stop there, Tombs was still breathing.
Lewis grabbed hold of him and began to strangle him; he was going to kill him and that was all he wanted in that heated moment, Tombs had got his blood boiling.
Lewis stared into Tombs eyes, he looked as if his eyes were about to pop out, but as he stared into the demonic eyes, he began to realise that this was exactly what Tombs wanted. He wanted Lewis to kill him; he wanted it to end right now.
"No, I'm not going to kill you!" Lewis said as he released his grip. "Not yet anyway, you've got to pay first." Lewis said as he began to walk away, he didn't want to be in the cell any longer.
"You coward! Come back, do it, get you revenge!" Tombs screamed out as Lewis shut the door.
"Goodnight Tombs!" Lewis called back before walking down the catacombs once again; he was having dinner with the monks and didn't want to be late.

Another two weeks had passed and Lewis was back in the cellar, this time instead of beating Tombs up, like he had spent the last week doing, he was bringing Tombs some food. If Tombs didn't get some food soon, he'd die.
"Grubs up!" Lewis called as he rapped a metal steel rod against the door, signifying his arrival.
"Go away!" Tombs croaked, his throat was really dry.
"Don't be like that," Lewis replied as he walked in and set the plate of food in front of Tombs, it wasn't much, just two slices of breed and a cup of water.
"Not hungry." Tombs replied ungratefully as he pushed the plate away.
"If you don't stuff that done your throat in the next five minutes, I'm going to shove it down your throat." Lewis replied, slightly pissed off as he then began to count down the seconds.
"Go to Hell Lewis!" Tombs snarled.
"Why don't you!" Lewis called back in the way an immature child would.
"I'm already there," Tombs replied as he lent up against the wall.
Within those few weeks he had already spent down here, he was beginning to lose his tan. His bronze skin was beginning to lighten, as was Lewis', but not as rapidly as Tombs, for he was able to spend a few hours in the sun.
"Can't argue there, I mean, in three weeks I've beaten you to a pulp, poisoned you, man you could spew." Lewis laughed as he thought back; he enjoyed the sight of Tombs being seriously sick.
He had thought it was a shame he had to cure him, but glad he did, he wouldn't have been able to carve his arms open and then rub salt into the wounds before stitching them up with the ease he stitched his wetsuit up.
"You forgot the part where you had come into this room, holding that still rod..." Tombs pointed to the rod that Lewis left by the door. "...in one hand a blowtorch in the other." Tombs finished.
Lewis laughed, he knew exactly what Tombs was talking about, four days ago Lewis had come in, holding the two objects Tombs was referring to and used the blowtorch on the rod. Heating the end up before shoving it where the sun doesn't shine.
Tombs let out the loudest scream ever hear on this earth and all Lewis could say was Tombs had deserved this punishment for all the rapes he committed.
"Ha, that was really funny. Do you still feel sore?" Lewis laughed.
"Screw you Lucifer." Tombs spat directly at Lewis, but missed.
"Oh Lucifer, because I'm the Devil right? Well let me put you straight on something; you're not in Hell, or the Hell, if you want to call it that. Now the reason you're not in the Hell is because you're in my Hell, which trust me, its far worse. Because when you're in Hell, you're there for all eternity, when you're in my Hell, I can make a day seem an eternity, capiche?" Lewis walked round the room and rubbed his bruised knuckles, they were the same colour as the rest of Tombs body.
"Hey Lewis." Tombs whispered.
"What," Lewis said, sitting down on the other side of the room to Tombs, man the room was cold, he was amazed Tombs hadn't caught a cold yet.
"You do know that you're not going to get away with this? I do have friends you know?" Tombs laughed, he wanted to unnerve Lewis.
"I had friends too, one of them betrayed me. Apparently he was your friend too." Lewis returned with a relaxed smile.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Tombs lied; he knew Lewis was referring to Jacques.
"Don't lie, what's the point, no one can get to you here. Well no one except me." Lewis grinned.
"Fine, he was one of us, he never wanted in, he was blackmailed. We told him if he never joined us, we would kill you, it was as good as threatening his family, that's how he saw you, but Gruff didn't trust his loyalty. Mainly because he wasn't loyal to us, so Gruff wanted to test him. So he arranged for Hanz to plant the explosives before you arrived. Then while you were trying to save your uncle, he planted the last explosives and pulled the switch, causing the bombs to detonate. I believe he was hoping you would get off in time and escape, meanwhile he stayed there. Obviously he didn't want to live with your death on his hands, he killed himself." Tombs spoke slowly, bringing up old history.
Lewis watched Tombs' eyes the whole time he spoke, he was a good judge when it came to lying, he could always tell, but not this time. All he could see were the eyes of a maniac, someone who couldn't stop killing.
"Jacques is dead?" Lewis asked, he had to know the full truth.
"Yes, he is dead." Tombs replied, looking into Lewis eyes and he wasn't lying, Jacques was indeed dead. He knew he wouldn't have been able to live with betraying Lewis so he made sure he killed himself, by remaining on the sub.
"Hang on; if that's true, he killed himself. Why did he call for help? Why'd he tell me that he was trouble, him and Hanz were in the engine room?" Lewis asked, Hanz's death had been playing on his mind ever since Tombs resurfaced.
"Hanz was one of us, a Muerte Mala member. He was to make sure Jacques did his job. Hanz had already placed the explosives. So when you boarded and run off to get your long waited revenge and save your uncle, he and Jacques were supposed to leave via the same way you came in. Now this bit is all speculation. After you left and Hanz told your buddy that they were to leave, I'm guessing your pal had killed Hanz and then run off to the engine room. You see, the explosives were going to be set off a lot sooner, and Jacques wanted to stop them, you know, give you more time before the fireworks went off." Tombs gave out his theory, he enjoyed having Lewis' full attention, it was the only time someone had ever actually listened to him and even though Lewis hated his guts, he knew he was connecting with Lewis, and this was all part of his plan.
He knew if he could make Lewis connect with him, rely on him, Lewis would change his mind about killing him. This was all just another game to Tombs, the game of games, oh how he loved to play, especially when they were mind games.
"Where is everyone?" Lewis asked as he stood up, wiping the tear from his eye, he believed what Tombs had said about Jacques. He knew he would hate to betray Lewis' trust, but he hated the fact that his best friend, someone who was like a brother to him, tried to kill him.
"Who is everyone?" Tombs whispered like the psychopath he was.
"Gruff, the Hayes twins, Howard or Howards. You know that lot? Where are they?" Lewis probed as he walked across the room.
"I'll never give up my fellow Muerte Mala brothers." Tombs replied. It was his turn to grin, he knew something Lewis didn't.
"What is Muerte Mala?" Lewis asked.
"Oh you know what we are. I know you do, that's why you had to die." Tombs replied.
Lewis knew this was true, he had heard of Muerte Mala before. It was a terrorist group, one that had hired Neme every now and then. "Tell me about them." Lewis stated, but no reply ever came, only silence ensured.
Due to wanting to hear more, Lewis stayed in the room, but instead of doing nothing, he began to work out. He did 500 press-ups, 300 sit-ups and the 100 pull-ups and he was just warming up. Unless Tombs opened his mouth to talk, Lewis was going to beat the crap out of him, again.

Three months had passed and yet Tombs had never spoke another word about Muerte Mala, in fact he didn't say anything at all. Not even when Lewis came in one day and attached a car battery to him and gave him a shock, he didn't even scream, but that wasn't the only thing Lewis did to try to make Tombs talk, he threw a bucket into the room, containing three rats.
As well as starving Tombs, Lewis was also staving the rats, he was going to have them eat away at Tombs' flesh until he confessed, but instead, when Lewis had opened the door, he saw that all the rats were dead and Tombs was eating them, talk about desperate.
After the three month waiting period, Lewis was more muscular then ever, his continuous working out never stopped, just like Tombs he begun living down there.
Both men's skin was ghostly pale and had dark hair, but Lewis had just a bit of pink to his skin, from when he took his trips to the surface. Where as Lewis had lost 20 pounds of fat, he had put on an additional 20 pounds of muscle, but even though he had weighed the same as before, he appeared to be much bigger. Tombs however was basically a skeleton with some skin covering his body.
"You want to know something funny?" Lewis asked between one handed press-ups.
"What?" Tombs croaked, his throat was very dry from lack of water consumption.
"All of this, the stuff I'm doing to you, it sickens me. Did you know that? Yeah I'm extremely skilled at this stuff, but it makes me want to throw up. I hate the fact that I am capable of doing all this to a fellow human being. I mean what's all this got to say about me?" Lewis continued speaking with complete ease as he reached a hundred.
"Well I know the Devil will find a use for you when you're in Hell," Tombs wheezed.
"I thought I was the Devil, according to you that is." Lewis replied.
"Just you wait, this will all come back to haunt you."
"Oh, like Karma, don't believe that in shit. I've seen a lot of bad stuff happen to good people and good stuff happen to bad people that is until I come along. I'm their Karma, just like I am yours, this is your punishment. Besides, when I do go to Hell, I don't think I'll be torturing souls, they'll probably lock me in the pit with Lucifer." Lewis replied, thinking just how cruel the world can be.
"Whatever." Tombs replied as he begun to fall asleep, he was getting dizzy from watching Lewis exercise.
"You know, when I'm doing this, inflicting pain on my fellow humans, well the dregs of society, I keep telling myself one thing. "They're not humans!" And every time I tell myself that, I feel better, but I don't have to tell myself a thing. Know why? I'll tell you, it's because after everything I've done to you, you no longer resemble a human. You just look like something that had crawled out of Hell." Lewis commented, as he justified everything he was doing.
"I'm only a demon because you made me one," Tombs spat back as he opened his eyes, they appeared to be completely black.
"Whatever, I'm out of here," Lewis said as he stood up and walked out, he just had a great idea how to get Tombs to talk.
"Bye!" Tombs called out, he wanted to ridicule Lewis every chance he got. "At least I'm alone now. Finally get some peace and quiet without him around. Now where's that rat I was saving?" Tombs thought manically to himself, he was far beyond losing control of his mind. He was insane and he knew it, but more then that, he loved it.

Another three and bit weeks' had passed, bringing Tombs total time in the darkened room to just over 7 months.
During that time period, Lewis beginning feeding Tombs again, he wanted to fatten him up; it was all part of his plan.
"Good morning Lawrence." Lewis greeted merrily, as he brought in a silver tray.
"Morning John," Tombs had replied in the same friendly manner that Lewis had just used.
He never understood why Lewis started being nice to him, or why the torture stopped and why he started getting fed again, but he didn't care, things were improving.
At the beginning he was cautious but then decided to think that his plan had worked, he had formed a connection to Lewis and now Lewis was being nice.
"We've got a nice chicken broth with veggies today and a nice glass of OJ." Lewis said as he showed Tombs his breakfast.
"Ah excellent,' Tombs replied as he looked at Lewis, who looked very deranged, but he had been that why for the last month.
As Tombs went to eat, Lewis grabbed him and threw him into the wall.
"Do you know just how hard it was trying to be nice to you?" Lewis asked. It was all game, one that Tombs fell for.
"You've been playing me? All this time?" Tombs asked, he was impressed. "Stand up and take a bow, you deserve an Oscar."
Lewis laughed and gave a bow before he began to laugh. "You thought my acting was good, check out my acting skills when I return to the roll of the "Torturer." This performance will make you scream, literally." Lewis laughed darkly; his evil side had won over his good one.
"What do you mean?" Tombs asked.
Lewis pulled out a hammer and smacked Tombs across the face with it, making him hit the floor before Lewis had placed a handcuff on each hand and attached the other end to a thick pipe behind Tombs.
"This time, you've got no choice. Tell me about Muerte Mala or pay the consequences." Lewis whispered evilly in Tombs' ear.
"Screw you!" Tombs spat."
"Yeah I know, we've been over that, a lot. Now back to what I'm going to do to you, you're about to find out," Lewis replied as he peeled the clothing from Tombs' back, pulled out a nail and hammered it into Tombs' shoulder blade.
"AARG!" Tombs screamed out loud, he wasn't expecting that.
"Did you like that, did you?" Lewis asked as he pulled another nail from his pocket and put it into his mouth as he grabbed another one.
"I'm going to kill you!" Tombs exclaimed.
Lewis hammered the second nail into Tombs, just one inch below the first one before he took the nail out from his mouth.
"I'd like to see you try to kill me," Lewis stated after Tombs stopped screaming form the second nail. "So, are you going to start talking now?" Lewis asked.
"Your loss. I call this one the double tab." Lewis pulled out two nails and hammered them in opposite the first two.
"YOU BASTARD!" Tombs screamed.
"All you have to do is talk and I'll stop the pain, I'll stop right now. What do you say?" Lewis asked as he grabbed three nails.
"Go to Hell."
"Triple tap coming up," Lewis replied before he had hammered three nails into Tombs back.
"If I talk, they'll kill me," Tombs began to beg.
"Dude, I'll do a lot worse then kill you if you don't talk." Lewis replied as he grabbed another nail and sent it home.
"You don't understand..."
"Actually I do. If you talk, they will do more then kill you, they'll like to torture you first, then kill you, but I promise you this, talk now, and I'll make your death quick. Do we have a deal?" Lewis asked.
"Fine!" Lewis nailed in another nail.
"I so hope they will kill you."
"I hope they try," Lewis grinned as he swung the hammer again.
"I'm never going to talk you know!" Tombs snarled.
"Actually you are, but I'm just using the wrong size nail." Lewis spat out a two inch nail that he just had in his mouth and pulled out two four inch nails.
"These how ever might be better suited for the job." Lewis grinned sadistically as he hammered both nails into Tomb's lower back region.
"Holy..." Tombs was about to swear, except Lewis administered a sharp blow to the back of his neck to silence him.
"Hey, just because I'm torturing you under a monastery, doesn't mean I'm going to let you cuss," Lewis hissed as he put another four inch nail into Tombs lower back region, the blood was really flowing now.
"You're a dead man Lewis. You hear me? You're a dead man!" Tombs squealed like a pig.
"Looks like I'm still not using the right size nail, how about a six inch? You think this will loosen you're lips?" Lewis threw his hammer aside, grabbed Tombs by his hair and showed him the bigger rusty nail.
"I don't scare easy," Tombs gasped as slyly as he could.
"I forgot to tell you that these are really rusty. Hope you had your tetanus jab done recently. Oh wait I forgot, you've been in the care of Doctor Lewis for these past months." Lewis chuckled as he backed off.
"You know what. I finally get it now. This is all you can do, torture is the only thing you have, because without you have nothing!" Tombs face transformed into the face of a snake.
"What I have are friends, and people that I care about." Lewis countered.
"But none of them know who you are, who you really are, do they?" Tombs said with a smug look on his face.
"They know enough."
"They know Herbert, not Lewis, there is a difference you know?"
"Maybe," Lewis shrugged off Tombs latest reply as he picked up the hammer and sat down near the entrance.
"Oh and you don't' have people who you can care about." Tombs tried to free his hands, but no matter how skinny his wrists were, they couldn't escape Lewis' handcuffs.
"What do you mean?" Lewis jumped to his feet.
"You saw how I disposed of Claire, we can easily dispose of every single person in your life."
Lewis hit Tombs as hard as he could with his left fist.
"I told you to never mention her name again." Lewis spat viscously.
"Touched a nerve have I? Well it's true. We can get to everyone and anyone, no matter who they..."
Lewis struck Tombs once more, to shut him up.
"If that is a threat to any of the people I care about, I'll..." Lewis held the hammer high above his head.
"What kill me, in cold blood, but Mr. Rescuer never kills a man in cold blood," Tombs mocked.
"I try not too, but I make exceptions from time to time, and trust me, I'll be making the same exception with you." Lewis jived.
"I mean it Lewis, everyone you care about can easily be eliminated."
"Why? What did they ever do to you?" Lewis was starting to get really pissed off, but he didn't want to raise his voice just yet.
"Why not," Tombs replied.
"Hey, that's my line" Lewis flashed a grin as he pulled out a nail.
"Do I look like I give a..."
"Stop! Hammer time!" Lewis stopped Tombs in midsentence as he hammered another nail in, this one a six inch nail.
"You're a sick bastard you know that?" Tombs sobbed as he felt the rusty nail penetrated his flesh and the blood began to trickle down his pale skin.
"Probably yeah, but you know what, I think I'm aiming these nails a little low." Lewis hammered another nail into Tombs shoulder blade and listened to Tombs scream.
"No matter what you do, I can take it."
"Maybe, but let's see how long that lasts." Lewis pulled out one of the six inch nails and hammered it into the palm of Tombs hand.
Tombs didn't scream this time; instead he did something that grossed Lewis out. He spotted the blood begin to drizzle down and hit his face and like the monster he really was, he began to drink his own blood.
"That's real sick. What are you, a vampire?" Lewis cringed a little, the idea of someone drinking blood always did sicken him, especially since he once saw an Asian person slit a young woman's throat and drunk the blood that poured out.
"I knew you wouldn't like that." Tombs licked his bloodstained lips.
"Of course you would, you read my dossier didn't you. That mission in Mongol was what got the attention of my senior officer, that and a promotion."
"There's nothing that I don't know about you Lewis. So why not give up. No matter what you do to me, I'll never confess a thing." Tombs cackled.
"You know what? Screw it." Lewis threw the hammer on the floor, hearing it cling before he walked over to the door.
"What are you up to?" Tombs asked, trying to get a look behind him, he didn't like what Lewis was up to.
"Let's see how well my memory is." Lewis grinned as he walked three steps to his right and then began to knock on the blocks.
On The fourth knock, Lewis had found what he was looking for.
"What are you doing?" Tombs asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"What's that? "Mr I know everything about you," doesn't know what I'm up to. You'll see in minute," Lewis replied as he began to pull out a loose block and then tossed it onto the floor, aimed just a few inches next to Tombs.
"You missed," Tombs glimpsed at the block.
"No I didn't," Lewis sighed as he reached in and felt round until he found what he was looking for.
Lewis's hand touched the cold metal of the Beretta 92 and pulled it out, the ammo clip was still in place and the safety was off, just how he left it.
"Just where I left you," Lewis chuckled.
"Left what?"
"Fine I may as well tell you..." Lewis stopped to cock the gun, getting Tombs undying attention. "...If it doesn't say it in my dossier then that means you don't know everything about me, but I'll tell you any way. You see I have this thing, every where I go, if I stay around long enough, I leave a few weapons lying around until the time comes that I require their services."
"How did you smuggle a gun in a monastery?" Tombs asked inquisitively.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Lewis asked as he had shot Tombs in the leg.
"What are you going to do to me now?"
"Give you a choice."
When Lewis had stopped speaking he had pulled the trigger, after he aimed the gun right at Tombs' spine.
"What choice?" Tombs shrieked as he felt his legs collapse and his knees scraped across the floor.
"Realise it yet?" Lewis asked.
"I can't feel my legs. I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!" Tombs sobbed as loud as he could, he realised what Lewis meant.
"The choice is be paralysed from the waist down for the rest of your life, or tell me what I want to know and I'll end your suffering." Lewis looked down the barrel of the gun; he was planning on shooting Tombs again.
"I'll never talk," Tombs said through gritted teeth.
"Fine have it your way. I'm getting bored of you any way. I think I will kill you." Lewis placed the hammer down next to the tray and picked up the hammer, he was going to hammer a nail into Tomb's skull.
Lewis placed the nail directly in the middle of Tombs' left temple and dug it in a little, just to let Tombs know it was there.
"You wouldn't kill me, you don't have the guts!" Tombs blurted out.
Lewis didn't bother replying, he just held the nail in place as he raised the hammer high above his head, he was going to put all of his strength into this swing.
Lewis drew a long deep breathe, savouring the end of Tombs' life before he exhaled and dropped the hammer, letting it swing.
In that one second, all of time seemed to stop for Tombs; it was as if someone had decided to freeze time and everything that revolves around time, giving him just enough time to make a decision.
"I'll talk!" Tombs roared in a very loud voice, just as Lewis began to swing his mighty hammer.
Luckily for Tombs, he wasn't the only one who felt time slow, and the second he heard Tombs begin to scream, he slowed the swing, leaving it with just enough momentum to tap the nail slightly.
"What's with the change of mind?" Lewis asked as he had thrown the hammer aside and nail along with it.
"I want to make some peace with my god."
"You're seeking some redemption before you take that trip into Hell, hoping that whatever you say will make your suffering in Hell just that little bit easier?" Lewis replied.
"Yeah that's it. What do you want to know?" Tombs asked, he knew that he would never be able to hold off forever, Lewis was going to break him, and soon. At least this way, as a last act of goodness, any information he passed on to Lewis, might be able to help him stop what his boss and the rest of his team, were up to."
"I want to know everything." Lewis' eyes glazed over, he was finally getting somewhere.

Lewis was counting the amount of days that passed since Tombs' confession; he kept asking him the same questions, along with some new ones, everyday.
Lewis lived along side with Tombs, listening to everything, making sure he knew every detail that Tombs called tell him.
Among the many stuff that Tombs confessed, he learnt code names and identities of all those affiliated with Muerte Mala. All the key players and those who were hired just to do some grunt work, but one of the most shocking things that Tombs had told Lewis, was that it was Blue Death, aka Gruff was in charge of hiring Neme, the man who had killed Lewis' father, was the one who in fact had hired Neme to kill Lewis' father. He was even the one who hired Neme to high-jack the submarine and kidnapped Lewis' uncle, it was all an elaborate ploy just to get Lewis out of the protection he had from the navy and kill him.
Lewis asked as to why Gruff went to so much trouble to trying to kill Lewis and cause him so much pain, but Tombs said he didn't know the answer to that question, and for same strange reason, Lewis believed him.
But Tombs did reveal to him that Neme was unaware of Gruff's grand plan, all he was told was destroy the town of Cadiz and kill the Prime minister who happened to be Lewis' uncle.
But on the 28th of December, Lewis had decided his time with Tombs was over, he was going to listen to everything Tombs had to say, but as soon as he was finished, Lewis was going to say goodbye.
Lewis had a sympathetic look on his face, he never bothered to remove the nails, nor undo the handcuffs, instead he had left the chained up and disabled form the waist down Tombs, handcuffed to the pole.
"Well that's everything," Tombs said, bringing his lecture to a close.
"Yeah it is. Well it's time to say goodbye." Lewis stood up and wiped the dirt and grime of his knees.
"You mean you're finally going to get round to ending my existence?" Tombs asked, he was hoping his end would be quick after confessing to Lewis, but oh how wrong he was.
"Kill you?" Lewis said slightly confused, but it was all part of his game. "Why on earth would I want to kill you? You're torture doesn't stop here. There's more to come, except I'm not going to be here when it does." Lewis chuckled.
"You can't leave me here!"
"Actually I can," was all Lewis could be bothered to reply with, as he walked over to the door.
"But what will I drink?" Tombs bellowed, trying to free his hands from the handcuffs.
"Oh don't worry, you'll have plenty to drink in due time!" Lewis called back as he opened the door and left it open, it wasn't like Tombs could escape. Plus his plan would work a lot better with the door open, then closed.
Even when he was nearing the end of the catacombs, he could hear Tombs screaming out insults about Lewis.

Two hours later, as Tombs was still trapped in the room, he heard the sound of surging water.
"But it can't be." Tombs thought to himself and he refused to believe it until he felt the water flood into the room, forcing him into the wall. He was only able to stay alive for five minutes before drowning.
The last thing he had said before he succumbed to the darkness was "How? How did Lewis know about the immediate flooding?"
Back on the surface, Lewis was standing by a fleet of trunks, pumping water into a secret passage that also led to where Tombs was hidden. He had decided it was only fitting to let the rat that deserted the Muerte Mala ship, should drown.
Because of everything that had been going on, Lewis decided to take a small holiday, organize his thoughts and get a plan going before he knew what he must do.
Lewis knew he had to return to La Herradura, the place that he called home, its occupants were all in grave danger.
Tombs wouldn't have begun to confess his darkest secrets unless Gruff was up to something, something terrible.
It was going to be up to Lewis to stop Muerte Mala and whatever happens, he wasn't going to fail, not now, not when Lewis was a back for good. Jack Herbert is no more, only Lewis remained, but a stronger and more pissed off version because once again, Lewis was out for revenge.